
The vibration of nature is perfect. If you go outside to the woods, it’ll become obvious to you how insignificant we are as creatures us human beings. In terms of physical strength and longevity we’re nothing compared to even the trees, one of the most primitive creatures on earth. And yet we dominate all of creation in all environment. And then you begin to think about what makes us so special compared to all the other creatures. By then you’ll deduct that if it’s not physically strength or longevity then it must be something else that can’t be seen to the naked eye and that you can only see the manifestation of it. 

Nature is so harmonious that everything seems to fit in the right place. Every rock, every tree and every stream. There’s no disorder in nature, only order. And every now and then the present order triggers a disorder that establishes a new more orderly and more harmonious state. 

Life is a continuous cycle or mouvement, you move from one state to the other and your thinking goes from one frequency to another. But is it your action or lack there of that determines where you’re gonna be ? Or is it you thinking that determines your outcome ? 

It’s our thinking that determines who we’ll ultimately become. If you think on a lower frequency you will live in ignorance, and when you’re plagued with ignorance you live in fear, and the fear requires you to move backwards, find shelter where to hide, stagnate and disintegrate. And you don’t wanna live in that state. No one should have to live in fear and worry, anxiety and disintegration. It’s a very negative way to live your life, but what’s the alternative ? 

You can go to other side, you can think on a higher frequency and develop awareness and understanding, you understand what’s going on and you instinctively and instantly move into a state of wellness and wellbeing, no fear, you’re in a peaceful positive state, and what that does to your body is that it makes you more relaxed, and when you’re relaxed and at ease you make the right decisions and you move the right moves. When you’re relaxed you move into action and your ideas naturally begin to manifest themselves. Understanding propels your ideas to come to the surface and when you’re relaxed ideas become reality. 

Practice relaxing in your everyday life. You gotta make it a daily habit to look at the state where you’re at in terms of frequency, and if you find yourself losing energy you know it’s because your thinking on a lower frequency, you’re not relaxed, you’re fearful or worried about something. You gotta recognize the source of you fear, is it within you or is it coming from the outside ? Is it something within your control or is it something that you can’t possibly control ? Is it an idea, a person or a stressful situation ? Is it in the past, present or future ? 

Once you recognize your fear and you know exactly what it is it’ll automatically lose its power. Because fear is essentially driven by ignorance, and when you know what it is then you can tame it, you can categorize it as non-threatening and then overcome it. The overwhelming feeling of fear and numbness leaves your body and your spirit reconnects to your being. Spirit is cheerful and always for growth and expansion. And when your body and spirit are connected you go above and beyond your fears. 

Author : Ali ALLA.