“Empowering individuals and businesses through two decades of expert coaching, mentorship, and training success”

“Since 2000, Jalal Mouti has been coaching, mentoring, and training a diverse audience on personal, professional, Leadership, intercultural, entrepreneurial and intercultural themes.

Manager & Consultant

A considerable experience in managing startups and SMEs with strategic initiatives of learning, development and growth. Also offered consulting for MNEs over projects regarding talent management, leadership and change management.

Offered insights and innovative solutions to remain competitive and strategically competitive in a global marketplace to worldwide clients from diverse industries.

Coach, Mentor & Trainer

Over 20 years of experience in coaching, mentoring, and training a diverse audience on personal, professional, intercultural, and entrepreneurial themes.

Holds a distinguished record of success stories of individuals and organizations that were able to improve awareness, develop talent and boost potential. Our clients include national, international, and multinational organizations.

Events, Workshops & Seminars

Held events and seminars on the topics of Intercultural Awareness and Eastern Vs. Western cultures with an emphasis on activities and workshops to raise awareness and appreciation for the interplay of cultures around the world and the influence of doing business in multicultural contexts. Have been providing a series of workshops to a number of cultural centers and Moroccan associations to encourage young entrepreneurs, train on leadership and gender equality and also topics of tolerance and development of a growth mindset.
A long list of clients including international universities, associations and media channels from all over the globe.

Choosing a coach is all about compatibility, mutual trust, and respect, what is important today is to take the initiative and we will support you decide what is best for you without any conflict of interest or unnecessary services.

Get Personal and Professional Development Coaching, Mentoring, and Training in Rabat Morocco with a senior certified professional coach and mentor in life, business, leadership, Entrepreneurship, and intercultural communication.
Years of experience
Coaching Hours
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