Coronavirus Times

The world has changed in a few days. Even though it was not peaceful, it was less dangerous. Nowadays, everybody is talking about Covid-19. It has affected the most powerful countries and even the weakest ones. What is Covid-19? The World Health Organization (WHO) defines Covid-19 as an infectious disease caused by a new virus. The disease causes respiratory illness (like the flu) with symptoms…

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Être Ou Ne Pas Être, C’est À Vous De Choisir

Être c’est exister tout simplement ici et maintenant indépendamment de toute restriction, être c’est exister et perpétuer votre capacité, c’est être vous-même dans toutes les circonstances de la vie. Être c’est accepter ou refuser, combattre ou mourir… c’est de ne pas essayer d’être quelqu’un  mais simplement d’être quelqu’un de meilleur. Exister c’est avoir des rêves et se fixer des objectifs pour assurer la continuité de…

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Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Developing a science that is meant to change people’s life is not a piece of cake. Still, John Grinder, a linguist and Richard Bandler, a mathematician and information scientist made it, back in the 1970s in the US. Let me introduce you to neuro-linguistic programming. The website “” defines neuro-linguistic programming as a psychological approach that involves analyzing strategies used by successful individuals and applying…

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Have you ever had a thought and instead of just forgetting about it, you make a big deal out of it? Anxiety has become one of the most discussed topics, whether it was on talk shows, magazines or social media. Let me introduce you to OCD, one of its many forms. NF, an American rapper, said “I obsessively obsess on things I think about”. Obviously,…

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Do I need a life coach

One of the major decisions to make is to decide to work with a coach; however, it is essential to find a match between the various capabilities of the life coach and if their skills are right for your situation. Dr. Jalal Mouti is a senior certified professional coach who can help you identify what it is what you really want and create a personal…

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JCI Rabat – Business Exchange Initiative

Business Exchange Initiative est une série d’évènements qui a pour objectif de créer un environement de rencontres, d’échanges et de renforcement des compétences entrepreneuriales au profit des entrepreneurs de la région de Rabat Salé Kenitra pour créer plus d’opportunités d’affaire. OBJECTIFS : Créer une intelligence entrepreneuriale collective dans la région de Rabat Salé Kenitra. Offrir des opportunités de collaboration et de croissance aux entrepreneurs de…

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Customer satisfaction & the importance of building loyalty in business.

Every business organization’s success depends on customer satisfaction. Whenever a business is in the startup phase, it is a general rule that customers always come first and then the profit follows in the form of investment returns. The companies that manage to fully satisfy their customers will remain at the top position in any market. Today’s business companies realize that customer satisfaction is the key…

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There are three major aspects to keep in mind when thinking about making a big investment. Because when it comes to money and numbers in general, you’re either winning or losing, there’s no middle ground in business. 1)Capital gains. One thing that is widely expected of a big investment and that is big increase in value overtime. but not all big investments, nor all small…

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