The powers and benefits of Meditation are infinite; they could be a great escape from reality. Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak. Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati In earlier decades, people used to meditate so as to gain guidance, see the world through their spirits and release their pain. Nowadays, quite a lot of studies unveil that meditation could be a powerful…
Guilty until proven innocent, says that voice inside your head whenever you make a mistake, even unintentionally. You are sitting in your own court, inside your own mind. You are both the criminal and the judge. Everybody makes mistakes, it is an inevitable thing. But how you deal with it is a whole different story. Life is about learning and growing, and mistakes are the…
Credentialed Coach Finder
Senior Certified Professional Coach
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dr. Jalal Mouti (@drmouti) on Jun 21, 2020 at 12:30pm PDT
Welcome to Audacity
It is the wound you have that never goes away. A tattoo you wanted to move, but could not. Overwhelming thoughts that can shatter your mind to pieces. An impression you have of an incident or a devastating event that changed your life and reshaped your thinking. I know. You are thinking about that specific experience you had at that specific time. That experience you…
Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence
Imagine having the guts to speak your mind, to express exactly how you feel, to do what you feel like doing without having second thoughts, struggling, nor hesitating. It feels good, right? You might be thinking that there is no way this could be possible, because nobody is as brave or can do exactly as he wants since there is always an audience watching: people,…
S’accuser et se reprocher des fautes: un autre voie pour la dispersion de soi
Il y’a des moments ou vous auriez dû faire quelque chose pour quelqu’un ou pour vous-même, vous auriez travaillé, réussi ou réalisé vos rêves comme les autres mais vous n’auriez rien fait de cela. Dans la plupart des cas, vous n’hésitez pas à s’accuser, à ressentir de la culpabilité et à lancer des accusations contre vous-même. Qu’est ce que l’auto -accusation ? L’auto accusation est…
I bet you complain about having to deal with the bad version of yourself everyday, about how you look, what you do on a daily basis and the fact that you are always making mistakes. Or simply: not being good enough. You are always judging yourself and don’t make room for positive thinking, especially when it comes to talking about yourself. “The greatest success, is…