
Guilty until proven innocent, says that voice inside your head whenever you make a mistake, even unintentionally. You are sitting in your own court, inside your own mind. You are both the criminal and the judge. 

Everybody makes mistakes, it is an inevitable thing. But how you deal with it is a whole different story.

Life is about learning and growing, and mistakes are the lessons you are taught in the school of life.

However, your mind could play games and throw you into a living hell. It is called guilt.

Unfortunately, these mind games could get worse and make you plead guilty and sentence yourself to hard labor. 


Let us solve this! Ready?


According to, guilt is aversive and has been described as a self-conscious emotion, involving reflection on oneself. People may feel guilt for a variety of reasons, including acts they have committed (or think that they committed), a failure to do something they should have done, or thoughts that they think are morally wrong.


It is normal to feel guilty and blame yourself for whatever it is you did wrong. It is a proof that you are aware of the good and the bad in life, that you are responsible and do not fear to admit it when you are mistaken. 

Still, guilt turns into a burden when it does not help you grow, but push you to the edge.


“Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them”  Bruce Lee


Guilt is supposed to clear your vision about a specific situation in order to avoid falling into the same trap. You have to learn from your mistakes, accept them, and move on.

A mistake is not the end of the world, it is the beginning of a new and different one. It all depends on how you interpret it.


What’s the worst thing that could happen? Think!

I know that your thoughts are constantly playing in your head, and just like water flowing in rivers, they would not stop. 

As always, your mind is going to give you notice of a danger that does not even exist. Your job is to resist that feeling of blaming yourself for something that has already happened and push it to start action on what is coming.

The good thing is that you have already admitted it, and this is the hard part for almost everyone. What you have left is a piece of cake! 

You are not a bad person and you already know it, it is your mind that needs to be convinced. And as long as it is not, you are going to suffer and overthink things.


 “Guilt is to the spirit, what pain is to the body” Elder David A. Bednar


Do you really want to live in such pain? 

I suggest you go the other direction: forgiveness, acceptance, and starting over.

Life is all about starting over and seeing things differently, and guilt is not a bridge to hell. It is a bunch of stairs that you need to take carefully and slowly in order to get to a place where your past mistakes are no longer with you.

Indeed, you could have some flashbacks occasionally, but at least you will be strong enough to fight back.

Trust me, I know what it is like just like I know that ending this guilt trip is possible.

Guilt is not the enemy, it is how we see it that causes the problem.


Do not lose sight of the fact that:

Guilt is the worst demon to bear, strangling you from the inside of your body.


Make amends.

Let got.

 Breath free.


Nikita Gill