هل تجد صعوبة في اتخاذ القرارات؟ هل لديك مشكلة في أن تكون غير حاسم؟ احصل على التدريب مع الدكتور جلال مطيع وطوّر مهارات التفكير النقدي لديك. إنني أقدر كثيرًا جودة الدكتور مطيع ، ومهنيته والتزامه ، أوصي به حقًا. Chaimae Filali لماذا يصعب اتخاذ القرارات؟ التدريب على نقص التنظيم
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Coach pour la prise de décision à Rabat
Avez-vous de la difficulté à prendre des décisions? Est-ce qu’être indécis vous pose des problèmes? Obtenez du coaching avec le Dr Jalal Mouti et développez vos compétences de pensée critique . J’apprécie beaucoup la qualité de Dr Mouti son professionnalisme et son engagement vraiment je le recommande vivement. Chaimae Filali Why Is It Difficult to Make Decisions? Coaching pour le manque d’organisation
Coaching pour le manque d’organisation à Rabat
Avez-vous de la difficulté à accomplir vos tâches? Vous sentez-vous facilement dépassé? Boostez votre taux de prodctivité avec le coach Jalal Mouti à Rabat Agdal ! Comment le manque d’oganisation peut affecter votre productivité I had an amazing experience with Dr. Jalal Mouti, he helped me during my mental breakdown, he was their whenever I feel the need to get out of my box and…
Coaching for lack of organization in Rabat
Do you have a hard time completing your tasks? Do you get overwhelmed easily Boost your prodctivity rate with coach Jalal Mouti in Rabat Agdal ! How Poor Organization Skills Can Affect Your Productivity I had an amazing experience with Dr. Jalal Mouti, he helped me during my mental breakdown, he was their whenever I feel the need to get out of my box and…
JCI Rabat – Business Exchange Initiative
Business Exchange Initiative est une série d’évènements qui a pour objectif de créer un environement de rencontres, d’échanges et de renforcement des compétences entrepreneuriales au profit des entrepreneurs de la région de Rabat Salé Kenitra pour créer plus d’opportunités d’affaire. OBJECTIFS : Créer une intelligence entrepreneuriale collective dans la région de Rabat Salé Kenitra. Offrir des opportunités de collaboration et de croissance aux entrepreneurs de…
Customer satisfaction & the importance of building loyalty in business.
Every business organization’s success depends on customer satisfaction. Whenever a business is in the startup phase, it is a general rule that customers always come first and then the profit follows in the form of investment returns. The companies that manage to fully satisfy their customers will remain at the top position in any market. Today’s business companies realize that customer satisfaction is the key…
Right to life
I have decided to overcome my fear and write my first article where I’m gonna share with you the events that led to what will become one of the most amazing experiences that literally changed my life. I have never considered myself a procrastinator but I admit fear caused me to postpone many things that necessarily needed to be done, such as writing an article…
Moroccan Center for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship
Fresh ideas Design Seminar Fresh ideas Master Class Fresh ideas IT Conference Fresh ideas Medical Seminar Fresh ideas Corporate Party