Posts Published byAdmin Jalal is the founder of Talent Leadership, an entrepreneurial and innovative community to share the know-how and boost talent.
Senior Certified Professional Coach
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dr. Jalal Mouti (@drmouti) on Jun 21, 2020 at 12:30pm PDT
Imagine having the guts to speak your mind, to express exactly how you feel, to do what you feel like doing without having second thoughts, struggling, nor hesitating. It feels good, right? You might be…
S’accuser et se reprocher des fautes: un autre voie pour la dispersion de soi
Il y’a des moments ou vous auriez dû faire quelque chose pour quelqu’un ou pour vous-même, vous auriez travaillé, réussi ou réalisé vos rêves comme les autres mais vous n’auriez rien fait de cela. Dans…
I bet you complain about having to deal with the bad version of yourself everyday, about how you look, what you do on a daily basis and the fact that you are always making mistakes….